This is a test page to experiment with adding and removing text and images, and any other "blocks," as they're called in Squarespace, that enable you to do so much more. 

In order to edit text  hover over this text, click "EDIT" button next to Page Content, then click where you want to begin making the text edits. After that, click Save. 

In order to add a text block or image block, or any block, hover over this text, click "EDIT" button next to Page Content, then hover over where you want to add the block until you see a black tear drop shaped ball with a line appear. Click that ball and a bunch of different options for adding blocks will appear. You can add from there, and then write your text or add an image.


ALWAYS BE SURE TO click SAVE at the top next to Cancel whenever you've done any change you want.



Test link to outside page